Thursday, November 1, 2012


I hate exercise. I don't like to be sweaty and it ruins my schedule to add another shower.

However, exercise likes me. I feel better about myself, look better, have more energy, have better skin, sleep better, and am a happier person. I just wish I had the motivation to go to the gym on a regular basis.

You may ask why I don't suck it up and go? Honestly? I'm embarrassed. I feel like I am too fat for the gym. I see all these girls in their cute workout gear running for an hour on the treadmill and think to myself that I will probably never be able to do that. I wear the largest t-shirt I have in hopes that when it gets sweaty, it won't cling too noticeably to my back fat. Gross picture, I know.

It's also embarrassing knowing that I have to stop and breathe every 10-15 minutes. I can't maintain a pace that is suitable for the equipment for an extended period of time. If I go too slowly, I don't feel like I exercised. If I go too fast, I can't exercise for the full thirty minutes that I need. It is a vicious cycle.

One class I LOVE is Zumba. I can hide out in the back and go at my own pace. Unfortunately, my work schedule was changed and I can't go to Zumba anymore. It really sucks since I had paid the $30 to be able to go twice a week for the entire semester. What a waste of money!

I am now the proud owner of two 2lb walking weights, a resistance band, Leslie Sansone's Walk Away the Pounds, and Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred. I can do an entire mile of Leslie Sansone. Not all five yet but definitely one and a half. Jillian Michaels? Haha. Yeah right. I have yet to be able to get through the entirety of Level One without dying.

My problem is that I'm not sure how to build my endurance. I tend to get frustrated and quit. That cannot be the answer.

My new exercise goal is to get in 30 minutes, 3x per week. Is this extensive? No. I do hope that it will bring me at the level where I am willing to try to go to the gym again. I am in this to succeed.


SW: 180
CW: 176 - When I weighed myself yesterday I had a coat on. I believe this attributes to the loss.
GW: 130

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